Poems, William Carlos Williams 31

어느 숙녀의 초상화 / 윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄즈

Portrait of a Lady William Carlos Williams Your thighs are appletrees whose blossoms touch the sky. Which sky? The sky where Watteau hung a lady's slipper. Your knees are a southern breeze -- or a gust of snow. Agh! what sort of man was Fragonard? -- As if that answered anything. -- Ah, yes. Below the knees, since the tune drops that way, it is one of those white summer days, the tall grass of y..

|Poetry| This is just to say - 이거 그냥 말해주려고

This is just to say (1934) -- William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold 이거 그냥 말해주려고 (1934) -- 윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄즈 (1883-1963) 아이스박스 속에 있었던 자두를 내가 먹었는데 그거 당신이 아마도 아침으로 먹으려고 넣어 둔 것일 텐데 용서해 줘 자두는 맛있었어 아주 달고 아주 차갑던데 © 서 량 2011.10.21

|Poem| Riposte

Riposte (1917) --William Carlos Williams Love is like water or the air my townspeople; it cleanses, and dissipates evil gases. It is like poetry too and for the same reasons. Love is so precious my townspeople that if I were you I would have it under lock and key--- like the air or the Atlantic or like poetry! 반론 --윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄즈 사랑은 물이나 공기 같습니다 동네사람들이여; 사랑은 씻어내고, 사악한 공기를 없애줍니다. 사랑은 또 같은 이유로 시와도 같..