Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Sky Blue Desk

서 량 2023. 6. 8. 20:04


Sky Blue Desk

-- To Matisse's painting, "Girl Reading, Vase of Flowers" (1922)


Darkness spreads across the open book

Flowers standing in the vase

A dragonfly alights on a flower

The eyes of the woman only half open

My unconscious is also only half open

A rainbow plugging vertically into the back

Inside of my head itches, It’s dark


Note on Muse:

When reading a book, half of it is the unconscious. A state of zero unconscious is not good for mental health, they say. The rainbow strongly plugging into the back of the reading girl in Matisse's painting is truly pleasing to behold. It's alright to casually skim through a book without delving too deep.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.06.08

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