Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Black Ribbon

서 량 2023. 6. 10. 18:00


Black Ribbon

-- To Matisse's painting, "Woman on a divan. Black Ribbon" (1922)


A white vase lowering its anchor into the red sea

A snake touching the closed book with its tail, a quiet snake

Walls encircling the sea, thick walls

Heart patterns scattered all around, aren’t they?

With a slightly furrowed brow

A still woman, there is


*divan: A thick mattress placed on a low bed frame


Note on Muse:

The countenances of the women depicted in Matisse's paintings vary. This woman has a slightly furrowed expression. Look at the black snake touching the book thrown on the floor. There is no doubt that Matisse is an eccentric person.


© Ryang Suh 2003.06.10


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