|Poems| An Autumn Ogle

서 량 2020. 10. 29. 20:20


An Autumn Ogle


Looking back with one glance after another

No other than a squirrel

Flits about in the oak trees

Whilst towards me you cast an autumn ogle motionless

Whilst over the clam clouds the indigo sky waves swoop

Cornering me over and over

Varicolored brute force, with brute force

Amidst the oak trees revolting

Amidst burning aflame, playing dumb

Betweenwhiles you get worked up

No other than a mole

Runs towards the grass thicket


© Ryang Suh 2020.10.29    




힐끗힐끗 뒤돌아보며

다람쥐 한 마리

떡갈나무를 넘나든다

내게로 당신이 가만히 추파를 던지는 동안

쪽빛 하늘 파도가 조개구름을 덮치는 동안

나를 연거푸 몰아붙이는

울긋불긋한 뚝심, 뚝심으로

떡갈나무들이 들고일어나는 중

나 몰라라, 하며 활활 불타는 중

당신이 속상해하는 틈틈이

두더지 한 마리

풀숲으로 뛰어간다


© 서 량 2020.10.25


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