Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poems| Pouring Cold Water On Your Back

서 량 2020. 8. 6. 20:10


Pouring Cold Water On Your Back


As your sincerity crumble that you have bone achingly piled up

Perchance it was such a spectacle of you shrieking with fright

On or around your neck and the stem of your backbone

This takes plavce every once a while in spurts

It could be a signal of your rage relenting

Maybe it's not because anybody is right or wrong

It’s a moment any lukewarm thoughts are

Being shattered to pieces as if with a thunderbolt

In the yard of traditional Korean house, four sides all closed off

You hold your deep breath in and out

The instant you fold your body in 45 degrees

To buttress the roof the sky sturdily

The summer you are flabbergasted with is safe and sound


© Ryang Suh 2020.08.06  




뼈아프게 쌓아온 정성이 무너지면서

당신이 자지러지는 광경인지

목이며 등뼈 줄기 언저리에서

흔히 터지는 일입니다

분노가 수그러지는 조짐일지

아무의 잘잘못도 아닐 수도

어떤 미적지근한 생각이라도

벼락치듯 작살나는 순간입니다

미음자로 사방이 막힌 한옥 마당에서

속 깊은 들숨 날숨을 멈추고

기역자를 45도로 엎어 놓은 몸집이 

하늘 지붕을 든든히 떠받히는 순간

당신이 소스라치는 여름은 무탈합니다


© 서 량 2020.08.02 

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