Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| A Few Snails

서 량 2019. 3. 29. 09:43

No matter how rapidly time passes you by I will see only what I want to see and hear only what I want to hear The spring rain is falling Somebody is shouting on the far away hallway of the ward A few sedative pills are dropping to the floor A handful of sunrays are reaching my skin Lately I am learning how to say what I want to say without hesitation Every once in a while I am at a loss of what to do with our bad habits of being inconsiderate of others I like you very much when you raise your face saying, No matter what happens today I am embracing your nihilism I am peeking at a few mollusks crawling slowly through a time, a fully damp local timeline It is full-fledged spring now out there

© Ryang Suh 2019.03.25

'Poems, Ryang Suh' 카테고리의 다른 글

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