Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| Socks, Disappearing

서 량 2019. 1. 7. 20:20



Amid wandering in pursuit of the Treasure Island. I hear Long John Silver, the tall one-legged man from the 18th century, vanished into thin air, into thin air on the monitor screen. I have a hunch one day he will show up out of nowhere in the hologram from the Gold Star laundry machine downstairs. He may be wearing British blue naval uniform, breaking and entering everywhere, an isosceles triangle cap on head, a parrot fluttering its wings on his shoulder.


Dr. Livesey* is scolding the captain of the ship cool-headedly on the deck. I hear the Gold Star laundry machine downstairs running so far with no problem sweet-talked the notorious rude mouthed pair of socks. Sometimes different pairs of socks would leave all at once in a snug wooden ship fly-by-night way, I was told. Against the rough waves rolling, waves rolling, in pursuit of the heavy treasure box in the Treasure Island.


* The physician who went to Treasure Island with Long John Silver, Jim Hawkins, Captain Smollett and others. He played a leader role in the story.


 © Ryang Suh 2019.01.07    

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