Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Red Chair

서 량 2023. 7. 25. 20:11


Red Chair

-- To Matisse’s painting, “Michaela in Yellow Dress with Plant” (1943)


Mountain top, mountain top, prodding the sky

Woman with arms resting on armrests

Woman sitting still

Chicken yellow dress

Snake plant leaf, the leaf is

Wider than gold-lined tiger tail plant, gold-lined tiger tail plant

Momentarily holding breath

As if to monopolize the interior


Note on the Muse:

As you know, Matisse holds on to only a few things. Like women, flowers, books, plants, and chairs. Color selection is also not complicated. He stops roughly around red, yellow, blue, three elementary colors. Matisse is an extremely  simple person.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.07.24

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