Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Going Out

서 량 2023. 6. 13. 20:06


Going Out

-- To the "Young Woman at the Window, Sunset" painted by Matisse (1921)


Alongside the reddened seawater, around the rim, the rim

Unknown people are far, far away

The red sky, the color of purple

The woman is touching the sky

The fixed window, the transparent window

Touching the palm trees, the dark blue palm trees

Her hand, fingers totally detached from her body


Note on Muse:

The woman looking out of the window from inside always stirs my heart. I become others the moment I see others. While looking at this painting, I too am stretching my hand to touch the palm tree leaves.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.05.13

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