Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Blue Notebook

서 량 2023. 5. 17. 19:21


Blue Notebook

--- To the "Woman Reading a Book" painted by Henri Matisse 20C


The moment I take my eyes off the vase, it vanishes

Funny, isn’t it? How the vase exists and doesn’t

A fully blooming red flower

Your thick forearm muscles supporting your chin

A wordless book, radiant white book

As if about to fall down right away

Existing by not existing, staying still

A Samsung phone with blue cover, as well


Note on the Muse:

I am tormented by the proposition whether having a flower exists or not. I even doubt the substance of the woman in the painting. It's funny to fret on existence and nonexistence. Matisse's woman reading a book is leaping over time.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.05.17

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