Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| An Introduction to Geometry

서 량 2017. 3. 18. 20:24

An Introduction to Geometry


Looking at a lozenge,

a diamond shape

with misty eyes, a few circles

are dappling in front my nose.

Each time I see with misty eyes,

a trapezium looks just like

an isosceles triangle that is

cut horizontally across the neck. If

only you could see things with limpid misty eyes!

Ever since the throat was chopped till now still

wiggling, the flowery serpent of the Old Testament

once upon a dawn would give you a broad smile

of a lozenge shape, right?

Salivating, mouth soaked with saliva, if

only you could grasp the principles of

isosceles triangles with limpid misty eyes!


© Ryang Suh 2017.03.18

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