Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| By Appointment Only

서 량 2012. 9. 21. 14:27


I got to know late at night that I cannot enter the American Embassy across the Sejong Culture Center. There were some issues on the inheritance from my father who suddenly passed away for which I filled out all the blank boxes in the appropriate forms following the advice of the office for legal matters at Boondahng Seohyeondong Hyojahchon and then the Embassy told me in my internet search that I cannot just come by without an appointment. on the following morning when the summer rain was streaming down a bunch of kids with vigorous pimples wearing neon green jackets were pacing around in front of the American Embassy single mindedly to arrest any terrorists who hate America. Looking back on it maybe I should have made an appointment early on. Maybe I should have plunged into this hot world after I threw away my squalid previous life all naked. Holding up a black umbrella raindrops thoughtlessly hitting against and scattering about. Holding up a pitch black umbrella wrapping around my whole body ever so snugly.


© Ryang Suh 2012.09.21

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