Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| Speed Bumps

서 량 2012. 9. 18. 20:06


I wanted to use colloquialism that gets into ear smoothly rather than tedious literary texts Not the highbrow language that is done by calligraphy or pens but the words I haphazardly caress you with my mouth The kind of animalistic odor that fresh Kimchie or chocolate rubs off deep in the mucous membrane cells


Changes of my life

come around real slowly

At where I am most clumsy

The evolutionary mechanisms of lizards and alligators

Are such slow and stuffy matters


As we enter the town of my brother's place in a tall apartment building at a crossroad in Gwangjoo-Si Kyeongghee-Do I caught a glimpse of an ad on surgery of manhood In the basement parking lot as we pass the rugged bumps the front of the car was lifted up then right away the rear tires took pratfalls It was the day I thought that was exactly my sense of time


© Ryang Suh 2012.09.18

'Poems, Ryang Suh' 카테고리의 다른 글

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