Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Dim Lighting

서 량 2023. 3. 12. 21:20


Dim Lighting

--- to the ‘Woman with book on lap’ by Matisse (1926)


Say, it would be summer. Nah, early spring would be fine. Under the shaded lighting, you'd be reading a book, a banal collection of proses written by a bunch of self-important writers. A bit later, it’s a scene of you stopping reading to ponder with pose on the details of the book. Your mind would go blank, right? Fleetingly, you'd be brainless. A brainless state. I am a painter painting your unconscious.


Say, this is a glorious whim created by the heavenly currents of air. Currents of air. Your animation is in a state of complete pause. This is a painting drawn with crayons by a child. Imagine a scene of dim, very dim reddish burgundy color, crawling on by, crawling on by, pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, coming to life. Oh, yes, yes. You are an open book, spread face down on the woman’s lap. Funny, isn't it?


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.03.12

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