Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| Taking Aim at the Last Leaf

서 량 2020. 11. 26. 22:04


Taking Aim at the Last Leaf


A few brown leaves hang down

Dingle-dangle from the twigs

In an instant that is never the last one

At the taut core of you

I am taking aim

It is dead silent

Sparsely the autumn wind is out of its wits

It’s like nothing ever happened

Me too had exactly the same thought

An erect  thumb at a right angle from a forefinger

The rest of the fingers clenched focusing

I see the leaves are forceful and triumphant

Remain they will as souls not different by an iota

The autumn sky is convulsing


© Ryang Suh 2020.11.26


마지막 잎새를 정조준하다


가지 끝에 갈색 잎새 여럿

대롱대롱 매달린다

결단코 마지막이 없는 찰나

팽팽한 당신의 핵심을



간간 자지러지는 가을바람

아무 일도 일어나지 않았던 거야

저도 똑같은 생각을 했어요

엄지와 검지를 직각으로 세워

남은 손가락을 오므리는 집중

잎새는 기세등등하다

한치도 틀림없는 영혼으로 남습니다

가을하늘이 경련한다


© 서 량 2020.11.21

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