Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| The Way You Play The Saxophone

서 량 2014. 10. 29. 10:40

On a crystalline autumn day a butterfly dragonfly enters a flower garden. The wings of the butterfly
dragonfly are imbued with a rainbow. The butterfly dragonfly is limited to one. As there are so

many flowers in the flower garden, it is hard to enumerate them. In no time, the butterfly dragonfly

sits lightly on a large leaf, takes a deep breath once, and surrender to a zephyr to the fullest.


The range of an alto voice is shaking me. You
already anticipated the primacy of auditory

sensation amongst your five senses.


The saxophone and the clarinet whisper to share

a conversation. I eavesdrop their cool

love story in the zephyr.


I love you.

I love you too.


The clarinet puts in vibrato by stealth. Saxophone is at random. The two of them do not sing on

the same note at the same time. The two of us would take turns playing the theme and variations.

Having stopped putting in harmony, the autumn forcefully hugs the flower garden. There you hear

the sound of saxophone. The incessant sobbing of the zephyr.



© Ryang Suh 2014.10.28

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