Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Violet Palette

서 량 2023. 6. 18. 22:32


Violet Palette

-- To Matisse’s painting, "Still Life with Sleeping Woman" (1940)


Several yellow and crimson fruits

A lively palette drenched by clusters of water drops

A roundly curved palette knife, the palette knife

Sparsely falling light drops, light drops

A woman smiling genially, genially in the dream amid leaves

Squeezing colors onto the palette, adjusting hues

Adjusting hues, the woman is entwined, undisturbed


Note on the Muse:

Matisse often painted women reading or taking naps. This woman is taking a catnap, leaving aside delicious-looking fruits on a palette-shaped table. Matisse never painted a person eating fruits or food. There is no painter who paint people eating, I suppose.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.06.18

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