Poems, Ryang Suh

|Poem| Jar-shaped One-piece Dress

서 량 2023. 8. 30. 19:52


Jar-shaped One-piece Dress

-- To the woman in “France Oil on Canvas” painted by Matisse (1939)


French-style red jar

Woman's body afloat high up in the yellow sky

*Mieum-shaped square Square-shaped jar platform

Jar platform dimly diminishing Fresh red pepper paste smell

Aromatic jar Mature one-piece dress


*mieum: a square-shaped Korean alphabet consonant, ‘ㅁ’


Note on the Muse:

Matisse’s woman's dress looks very tight on her body.

Her slim dress feels like a jar-shaped skirt, like I said.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.08.30

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