Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Red Background Setting

서 량 2023. 7. 5. 20:01


Red Background Setting

-- To the “Girl with White Robe on Red Background” painted by Matisse (1949)


Time is colorless odorless odorless colorless

Head shoulders arms neck Mental concentration Loosely

I can't see her face

The edge of armchair edge Red wavelength Red vibration

Forsythia color Deep yellow is coming up Gradually


Note on the Muse:

Painters sometimes don't put eyes, nose, or mouth in the person's face in their paintings. Ah, eyebrows, either! When we look at a person, we also sometimes don't put the other person's eyes, nose, or mouth in our eyes. It's the background color rather than the face. Funny, isn't it?


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.07.05

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