Poems for Matisse

|Poem| Right Arm

서 량 2024. 6. 29. 18:42


Right Arm

--- To the “Woman Seated” in Henri Matisse's painting (1936)


Light lines or intense lines both

have a certain inner story, whether thick or thin

Side hair covering her ears is amidst matching with her gaze

The right side is entirely in charge of the muscle strength of the upper arm  

Transparently, your eyes, nose, and mouth are crumbling!


Note on Muse:

Whispering softly or with a clear tone, conveying inner feelings with eyes that pretend not to hear. That's how the women in Henri Matisse's paintings usually are. I am listening to what this woman is saying, while feeling the strength hidden in her right arm.


© Ryang Suh, MD 2023.04.11

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