On William Carlos Williams

Salvation, or Drudgery?

서 량 2013. 10. 5. 21:19

Most of the time, the physician's labor was indeed salvation, for himself and his needy patients. But at other moments, a fine line separated the excitement of daily work from just plain drudgery:

The Poor (1921)

By constantly tormenting them

with reminder of lice in

their children's hair, the

School Physician first

brought down their hatred on him.

But by this familiarity

they grew used to him, and so,

at last,

took him for their friend and adviser.

'On William Carlos Williams' 카테고리의 다른 글

HD et al  (0) 2013.10.15
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Williams's "Major Depression" (2004)  (0) 2013.10.03
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